Opera by Richard Strauss San Francisco Opera |
DVD, amazon.co.uk
"San Francisco Opera originally mounted Capriccio in 1990, in a John Cox production that originated at Glyndebourne, misguidedly setting it in the 1920s -- a silly conception at odds with the libretto. For the magnificently cast 1993 revival preserved here, SFO kept Mauro Pagano's original drawing-room set but wisely hired Stephen Lawless as director and Thierry Bosquet as costume designer. They returned the story to its proper time period (1775), and the opera to its original luster. * * * "In the right hands, Strauss's final opera can emanate the kind of near-mystical glow shared by such earlier successes as Der Rosenkavalier and Ariadne auf Naxos. Performances such as this one helped earn Capriccio a place in the standard repertory." --ERIC MYERS, Opera News ---
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